Figure 9.6.1 Zoonotic infections
Number, annual range, and annual average number of human zoonotic infections reported, Middlesex-London, 2005 to 2018; and reported rate per 100,000 population, Middlesex-London and Ontario, 2005 to 2018 annual average

Public Health Ontario Infectious Disease Query: Middlesex-London Health Unit: Case counts and crude rates of reportable diseases by year. Toronto ON: Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion; 2019 May 8 [cited 2019 May 13].Note:
* Reportable since May 2018.
Between 2005 and 2018, zoonotic infections were rare among Middlesex-London residents. There were no human cases of anthrax, Echinococcus multilocularis, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, plague, psittacosis/ornithosis, rabies, trichinosis, or tularemia infections reported among Middlesex-London residents.
The number of brucellosis and Q fever infections reported was low, at fewer than 10 cases for each disease across the 14-year period.