Figure 2.2.1: Annual Unemployment by Year
Percent of labour force (age 15+), Middlesex London, London economic region and Ontario, 2001 to 2018

Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey 2001-2018Note:
Data for Middlesex-London for 2018 is not yet available. The Labour Force Survey excludes First Nations communities, inmates of institutions and full-time members of the Armed Forces.
The annual unemployment rate was 5.8% in Middlesex-London for residents aged 15 and over in the labour force according to the Labour Force Survey in 2017.
Unemployment recently returned to the levels experienced prior to the Canadian recession of 2008-09; it decreased from a high of 9.2% in 2009 to 5.8% in 2017.
Unemployment in both Middlesex-London and the broader London Economic Region followed a similar pattern to Ontario over time. Unemployment rates in Middlesex-London rose above Ontario’s rates following the recession and remained there until 2015, when they levelled off slightly below Ontario’s rate.