MLHU - Health Status Resource

Figure 12.1.16: Average age of mother at birth of first infant

Average age, Middlesex-London and Ontario, 2006 to 2017

Figure 12.1.16: Average age of mother at birth of first infant
Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), Date Extracted: Oct 4, 2018, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, IntelliHEALTH Ontario

The average age of a mother at the birth of her first infant was 28.7 years in Middlesex-London in 2017, compared to 29.5 years in Ontario. Each year from 2006 to 2017, the average age was significantly lower in Middlesex-London compared to Ontario. The average age of first time mothers in Middlesex-London, Ontario and the Peer Group gradually increased over time from 2006 to 2017 (Fig. 12.1.16).
The average age did not differ significantly between the urban and rural population of Middlesex-London from 2006 to 2017 (figure not shown).