Figure 8.3.3 Last dentist visit, by age group
Percent of the population (12+) who reported visiting a dentist in the past year, Middlesex-London, 2013/14

Canadian Community Health Survey [2013-2014], Statistics Canada, Share File, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term CareIn 2013/14, school-aged children (12−17) had the highest percentage of recent visits to the dentist (87.9%), while only about two-thirds of residents aged 18−24 years reported visiting a dentist in the past year. This is inconsistent with Ontario and the Peer Group, where lower percentages of individuals 65 and over reported a recent visit to the dentist (64.8% and 63.7%, respectively) rather than the 18 to 24 age group (not shown). These differences are not statistically different.