Figure 1.5.1: Family characteristics (Age 15+)
Number and percent of population age 15+, Middlesex-London and Ontario, 2016

Over three quarters (77.0%) of residents aged 15 and older in Middlesex-London lived with family as defined on the 2016 Census, compared with 80.7% in Ontario overall.
Couples with at least one child at home comprised just over a quarter (28.1%) of residents aged 15 and older in Middlesex-London. Another quarter (27.1%) were couples without children.
The percent of residents aged 15 and older that were children living in a family (15.8%) was slightly lower in Middlesex-London compared with Ontario overall (18.0%).
Residents that do not live with their immediate family, including people that live alone, was a slightly higher percent of those aged 15 and older in Middlesex-London (23.0%) than in Ontario overall (19.3%).