Figure 5.1.8: Current smokers who planned or attempted to quit
Percent of current smokers (20+), Middlesex-London, Ontario and Peer Group, 2013/14
In 2013/14, 43.6% of the population of current smokers, both daily and occasional, indicated that they planned on quitting in the six months following the survey and 14.1% said they planned on quitting in the next 30 days.
The proportion that said they were planning to quit was significantly lower than the province.
The proportion of those who said they planned on quitting in the following six months dropped substantially from 65.5% in 2007/8 (not shown).
36.9% of the population of Middlesex-London reported that they had tried to quit smoking for at least 24 hours in the year prior to being asked in the survey. Also here there was a significant drop from 45.6% in 2007/8 (not shown).