Figure 9.1.1: Sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections by year
Number of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections reported by year, Middlesex-London, 2005 to 2018

Public Health Ontario Infectious Disease Query: Middlesex-London Health Unit: Case counts and crude rates of reportable diseases by year. Toronto ON: Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion; 2019 May 1 [cited 2019 May 7].Between 2005 and 2018, the number of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) consistently increased, regardless of the specific bacterium or virus.
Chlamydia infections were two to four times greater than the number of all other STBBIs combined, depending on the year.
Syphilis infections increased nearly five-fold across the 14-year time period, which was the greatest increase among all STBBIs.