Figure 4.2.2: Emergency department visits from leading causes of unintentional injury by sex
Counts and age-standardized rates per 100,000 population, Middlesex-London, 2017

The leading cause of injury-related emergency department visits among both males (3,235.7 per 100,000) and females (3,784.9) in Middlesex-London was falls, followed by being struck by or against an object in 2017.
Land transport collisions were the third most common reason for females and fourth most common cause of ED visit for injury for males.
Males had a significantly higher rate of emergency department visits related to unintentional injuries than females overall and in the categories of land transport collisions, poisonings, and being struck, pierced or crushed by objects. However, females were had a higher rate and number of falls and dog, animal or insect bite related visits.