MLHU - Health Status Resource

Figure 3.4.3 Leading causes of death - top two - by age group

Middlesex-London, 2013 to 2015 annual average   

Figure 3.4.3 Leading causes of death - top two - by age group
Ontario Mortality Data, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, IntelliHEALTH ONTARIO, Date Extracted: April 26, 2019

The top two leading causes of death or their order differed by all age groups except for those aged 45-64 and those aged 65-74.  Those aged 45 to 74 shared the same top two leading causes of death in ranked order.

The top two leading causes of death were the same for Middlesex-London, Ontario and the Peer Group in all but those aged 75 to 84 where Middlesex-London’s second leading cause of death was dementia and Alzheimer disease but for Ontario and the Peer Group it was lung cancer (data not shown).

Ninety percent of deaths in the first year of life are due to perinatal conditions and birth defects. Fewer deaths occurred in those age 1 to 9 than in those under one year of age and approximately a third of those that do occur are due to birth defects and brain cancer. Among youth aged 10-19, 40% of deaths were due to motor vehicle crashes and suicide.

Ischaemic heart disease is the leading cause of death in the three age-groups that include those over age 45. Yet, when looking specifically at those aged 85 and older, ischaemic heart disease is replaced by dementia and Alzheimer disease as the leading cause of death.