Figure 2.6.11: Low birth weight by material deprivation quintile
Rate per 100 singleton births, Middlesex-London, 2011–12 annual average

Public Health Ontario. Snapshots: Middlesex-London Health Unit: Health Inequities in Singleton Low Birth Weight 2011-12. Toronto, ON: Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion; 2018 May 9 [2019 Mar 14]. Available from: Distract Abstract Database, 2003-2012, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, IntelliHEALTH ONTARIO, Date extracted: 2018 February 08 Note:
Socioeconomic status was assigned to an individual based on the neighbourhood proxy measure of the 2011 Ontario Marginalization Index - material deprivation quintiles using local cut-offs for comparison purposes.
Significant differences in low birth weight rates existed within Middlesex-London for the first time in 2007–08 since 2003–04, between populations living in neighbourhoods with differing levels of socio-economic status. Residents living in well-off neighbourhoods in 2011–12 with the least material deprivation (i.e., Q1) had a low birth weight rate of 3.5 compared to 5.7 low birthweight births per 100 singleton births for those living in neighbourhoods with the most material deprivation. This is an absolute rate difference of 2.2 per 100 singleton births in Middlesex-London.