Figure 6.20: Cancer screening participation
Percent, by type of cancer, Middlesex-London and Ontario, 2005-2012

Breast cancer screening: OHIP CHDB, ICMS, OCR, PIMS, RPDB, PCCF+. Cervical cancer screening: OHIP CHDB, CytoBase, OCR, PIMS, RPDB, PCCF+. Colorectal cancer screening: OHIP CHDB, LRT, OCR, PIMS, RPDB, PCCF+. Prepared by Cancer Screening Evaluation and Reporting, Cancer Care Ontario. Data downloaded from Cancer Quality Council of Ontario 15 Oct 2015. Available from: Estimates from 2011-12 show that just over 60% of females in Middlesex-London aged 50-74 had a mammogram within a two-year period.
- In 2010-12, just over 64% of women aged 20-69 in Middlesex-London had a pap test in a three-year period.
- Data from 2011-12 suggest that 33.8% of people aged 50-74 had a Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) in the previous two years.
According to the most recent rates cancer screening participation in Middlesex-London was as high as in the whole province of Ontario for both breast and cervical cancer. However, the participation rate for colorectal cancer screening was higher in Middlesex-London compared to the provincial rate.