Figure 14.2.1 Heat and cold weather notifications
Number of extreme heat and cold weather notifications and total number of days in effect by year, Middlesex-London, 2009 to 2018

Berry P, Paterson J, Buse C. Assessment of vulnerability to the health impacts of climate change in Middlesex-London [Internet]. London (ON): Middlesex-London Health Unit; 2014 Aug 1 [cited 2019 Oct 15]. 90 p. Available at (2009 to 2013 data); Middlesex-London Health Unit internal extreme temperature notification tracking, extracted 2019 October 16 (2014 to 2018 data).Between 2009 and 2018, the number of extreme heat and cold weather notifications was comparable, ranging from none to eight, depending on the year.
Across the 10-year time period, the total number of days the Middlesex-London region was affected by extreme cold weather (n=143) was more than 50% greater than the number related to extreme heat (n=94).