Figure 4.6.1: Suicidal thoughts and attempts
Proportion of the population (15+) that had ever considered suicide, considered suicide in past 12 months, and ever attempted suicide, Middlesex-London, Ontario and Peer Group, 2015/16

Canadian Community Health Survey [2015-2016], Statistics Canada, Share File, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term CareNote:
*Estimate should be interpreted with caution due to high variability
In Middlesex-London one in 10 people aged 15 and older had seriously considered suicide at some time in their life (10.8%). The result is consistent with rates seen in the Peer Group and the Province as a whole.
Approximately 2% of the population considered suicide in the past 12 months from when the survey was answered in 2015 and 2016. Again this rate was not different from the geographic comparators.
About 2% of the Middlesex-London population reported having attempted suicide in their lifetime.