MLHU - Health Status Resource

Figure 11.3.5: Maternal alcohol use during pregnancy based on when pregnancy was confirmed

Percent of women who gave birth, Middlesex-London, 2013 to 2017

Figure 11.3.5: Maternal alcohol use during pregnancy based on when pregnancy was confirmed
BORN Public Health Cube, BORN Information System, BORN Ontario. Information accessed on Oct 19, 2018
“Total” includes any alcohol use during pregnancy (i.e., the sum of “No (prior)” and “Yes”). “No (prior)” includes women who reported any prenatal alcohol use prior to the pregnancy being confirmed. “Yes” includes women who reported any prenatal alcohol use after the pregnancy was confirmed.

While the percent of women reporting any alcohol use during pregnancy (“Total”) increased in Middlesex-London from 2013 to 2017, much of the increase was due to more women reporting alcohol use prior to the pregnancy being confirmed (“No (prior)”). The percent of women reporting alcohol use after the pregnancy was confirmed actually decreased from 2013 to 2017 (“Yes”).