MLHU - Health Status Resource

Coefficient of Variation

The coefficient of variation (CV) is the measure used to indicate the sampling variability associated with survey estimates. The CV is obtained by dividing the standard deviation of the estimate by the estimate itself and it is expressed as a percentage of the estimate. Statistics Canada guidelines around the release of survey estimates, based on the magnitude of the CV, have been followed in this resource:

  • A CV between 0 and 16.5% is considered acceptable and the estimate can be released without restriction;
  • Estimates with a CV between 16.6 and 33.3% can be released, but with a cautionary note regarding high sampling variability;
  • Estimates with a CV greater than 33.3% should be suppressed due to extreme sampling variability;
  • Estimate release guidelines require at least 10 observations;

For CCHS survey estimates in this resource, CV’s have been calculated using the “bootstrap method”.