MLHU - Health Status Resource

Figure 6.5.3: Having a sunburn in the past 12 months by household income

Percent of population (18 +) who reported having a sunburn in the past 12 months, Middlesex-London, 2015 and 2017

Figure 6.5.3: Having a sunburn in the past 12 months by household income
Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS) [2015 & Sept-Dec, 2017], Extracted: Mar 27, 2019

There was also a relationship between having had a sunburn and income group. Those in the highest income group had nearly two times the rate of sunburn (38.2%) than those in the lowest income group (20.8%). The difference was statistically significant.

Income has been grouped into three equal categories with the RRFSS data. This differs from the more common presentation in this Community Health Status Resource of five equal categories. Both give information about differences across income groups.