Figure 3.1.4. Self-perceived health (very good or excellent), self-perceived mental health (very good or excellent) and community belonging (very or somewhat strong) by household income quintile
Percent of population (12+), Middlesex-London, 2015/16
A significantly higher percent of residents aged 12 and older in the highest household income group (Quintile 5) rated their health as very good or excellent (77.6%) compared with residents in the other income groups.
A significantly higher percent of residents aged 12 and older in the highest household income group (quintile 5) rated their mental health as very good or excellent (81.5%) compared with residents in the lowest income group (52.8%). The middle income groups were more like the highest income group and similar to each other.
Community belonging was similar across household income groups however the trend indicates that percent with very or somewhat strong community belonging increases as income increases.