Figure 2.5.2: Household food insecurity by severity category
Percent of households, Middlesex-London, Ontario and Peer Group, 2013/14

Canadian Community Health Survey 2013/14, Statistics Canada, Share File, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.Household food insecurity can be divided into those households in Middlesex-London that were marginally (6,092; 3.7%), moderately (11,335; 6.9%) or severely (5,421; 3.3%) food insecure. For the 5,421 households that reported severe food insecurity in 2013/2014, this translates into approximately a 14,269 people in Middlesex-London. Proportions of those by severity of food insecurity is consistent with those of Ontario and the Peer Group.
Severity of household food insecurity is consistent with that of Ontario and the Peer Group.