Figure 9.3.10 Cyclosporiasis by year
Rate of cyclosporiasis infections reported per 100,000 population, Middlesex-London and Ontario, 2005 to 2018

Public Health Ontario Infectious Diseases Query: Middlesex-London Health Unit: Case counts and crude rates of reportable diseases by year. Toronto ON: Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion; 2019 May 8 [cited 2019 May 13].Between 2005 and 2018, rates of cyclosporiasis infections were low in Middlesex-London and Ontario, however, both local and provincial rates increased across that time period. Recent increases may be partially due to changes in laboratory methods.
In general, the local rate was similar to or lower than the provincial rate, with rate among Middlesex-London residents being significantly lower than the Ontario rate in 2005, 2006, and 2010.